
  • Enrolling Healthy Students

    Are you between the ages of 18 and 25?

    Are you on campus during the summer?

    If you answered yes to the above questions, we need you for our study examining if certain factors like stress, inflammation, sleep, and lifestyle behaviors can affect the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and heart disease.  Investigators from the Department of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut & the Institute of Living at Hartford Hospital are conducting the study.

     Your participation in our study requires:

    • an interview to assess your medical health, stress and anxiety, depression, sleep patterns, diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use, and to assess family health history;

    • a brief non-invasive (shoe removal only) physical examination to measure height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, pulse, and body fat;

    • fasting blood to be drawn for standard blood lipid and glucose evaluations, and for measuring factors including stress and systemic inflammation;


    For your participation in this study you can receive:

    Information about your health status

    Free blood tests

    $50 Financial Compensation


    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, protocol# H14-345

    For more information, contact: Dr. Bruce Blanchard at