Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • Drop-In Stress Management Workshops

    Felling overwhelmed?  Stressed out?  CMHS is offering FREE drop-in Stress Management Workshops starting April 1st.  These drop-in workshops are designed to help students manage the everyday challenges of college life, as well as the increased stress level that comes at the end of an academic year. Workshops are engaging, interactive and typically involve self-assessment and skill development – all within just one hour!  Topics include:

    CMHS Drop-In Stress Management will begin on 4/1/15, and will be offered from 3:00-4:00pm Monday-Thursday through finals week. Workshops are held at CMHS, on the 4th floor of Arjona.  All workshops are free!  Call ahead (860-486-4705) or just drop by! 

    Please see our website for more detailed information on our workshops:

    For more information, contact: Erin Cox at 860-486-4705