
  • Volunteers Needed for Research Study of Hearing

    Male or female students aged 18 to 30 who believe they have good hearing, whose native language is English, and who do NOT participate in noisy hobbies or recreational activities are invited to complete anonymously a questionnaire detailing their medical history related to hearing, hobbies and recreational activities. Those who wish to be considered for listening tests to establish their hearing acuity will be asked to include their e-mail addresses. Volunteers selected to participate in the listening tests may schedule them at their convenience, and will be paid $12/hour including travel time to/from our nearest laboratory (UConn Storrs, or UCONN Health Farmington). To complete the questionnaire, log on to:

    [Study has been approved by UCONN Health Institutional Review Board, IRB number14-155-2, and is directed by Dr. A.J. Brammer.]

    For more information, contact: Gongqiang Yu at