Student Organization Events & Information

  • Skydiving Club Tandem Weekend

    Come jump out of a plane with the UConn Skydiving Club!

    Check it off the bucket list!

    Be crazier than the rest of your friends!

    Ever wanted to skydive but weren’t 18 yet?  This is your chance.

    We want you to come skydiving!

    The UConn Skydiving Club is holding the semester’s tandem skydiving weekend on April 18th and 19th

    The cost this year is the cheapest it has ever been: $179 !!
    This is a very good rate.  Look around and compare to other places.

    We will have car pools leaving from campus to go to the airport in Ellington, CT.

    When:  April 18th and 19th
    Cost: $179
    Why?  Uh, why not?

    Check us out on Facebook: Skydive UConn.  Sign ups are at

    For more information, contact: Doug Hendrix at