Campus Information

  • 4/1 Housing Selection Process 2015-2016

    The 2015-2016 Housing Selection process will begin tomorrow, April 1st.  Please make sure to check to make sure you have all the information you need to select housing for 2015-2016.  Follow us on twitter @Uconnreslife and like us on Facebook to get the most up to date information during the process.  All official communication will be sent via your Uconn email address.  Make sure to take the time to make a plan in regards to roommate and room selection.  If you have any questions email us at

    Important Dates are listed below. 

                    March 31:  Roommate selection begins

                    April 1-15: Undergraduate Housing Selection

                    April 22: Room Reservation Fee Appeal Deadline

                    April 23:  Room Reservation Fee Deadline

    For more information, contact: Residential Life at