On Campus Job Opportunities

  • UConn Connects 3 Credit Internship Fall 2015

    UConn Connects is seeking undergraduate facilitators for Fall 2015. It is a 3 credit, 120 hour internship. UConn Connects is an academic intervention program that seeks to help students primarily on academic probation achieve scholastic success. An UConn Connects Facilitator provides one-on-one process coaching services for students on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. More specifically, facilitators cover topics such as study skills, time management, exam preparation, and test anxiety. Facilitators attend a weekly lecture on Wednesdays from 1:25 p.m. – 3:25 p.m., which covers frameworks such as Choice Theory and Motivational Interviewing. Facilitators also attend a weekly discussion section.


    If interested, students should apply using the following link: http://achieve.uconn.edu/undergraduate_facilitator/

    For more information, contact: Abdul Abad at 860-486-8791