Campus Information

  • Submit Your Student Org's Community Service Hours

    Did your organization complete community service during the 2013-2014 academic year? If so, now’s your chance to make it count again!

    UConn is again applying for a national community service award and we need your input to succeed. The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll award is the “highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning, and civic engagement” (United States Government). This year’s award will recognize student community service work completed between July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.

    We are looking for the following information:

    • Basic description of your service initiative(s)
    • #  students engaged in this initiative(S)
    • #  students in your organization engaged in at least 20 hours of community service per semester
    • #  hours student participants served in the initiative(s)
    • # faculty/staff members who participated in the initiative(s)
    • Quantifiable effects or output of the initiative(s) (e.g. # of individuals served, # of students tutored, # of trees planted, # of houses renovated, # of people provided with free health screenings, etc.).

    Please note that there are additional questions, but these are the main items.  Estimates are acceptable, but we are committed to never exaggerating our data so please be conservative.

    Make sure that your organization’s hard work can be included in UConn's application by completing this survey by Tuesday, March 31st! Please work with other officers within your organization and complete the full survey HERE.

    IMPORTANT: If you were a leader of multiple organizations, please complete the survey separately for each organization. Also, another officer or member of your organization may complete this survey on your behalf.

    Thank you for your support in this application.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the form. Through student, faculty, and staff support last year, UConn was able to report that more than 15,800 UConn students engaged in over 1.4 million hours of service through volunteerism, academic service-learning, and community engagement internships. Read more about UConn’s past recognition on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll and learn more about the award.

    If you have any questions, please contact:

    Christina Honeycutt

    Office of Community Outreach

    P: 860-486-1165

    For more information, contact: Christina Honeycutt at