Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3/27 March Interdisciplinary Creativity Brown Bag

    You are invited to our March Interdisciplinary Creativity Brown Bag 

    Emotions and Creativity: From Wanting to Be Creative to Emotion Abilities that Facilitate Creativity

    Zorana Ivcevic Pringle, Ph.D.
    Associate Research Scientist
    Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

    Friday, March 27th 2014, 12 – 1 pm
    School of Business, Room 211


    Emotions are central to the creative process, from the emotion-filled decision whether to attempt something creative (Will people think my original ideas are silly?), to positive emotions broadening thinking, and to inevitable frustrations on the way to creative achievement. Zorana Ivcevic Pringle will present her work on emotions and creativity in three distinct, but related areas. First, she will present studies on the attitudes toward creativity and their relationship with creativity-relevant traits, as well as their ability to predict creative behavior. Second, she will propose that the research on creativity and emotions should shift from examining which emotions facilitate creativity to how people can use a broad range of emotions in the service of creativity, as well as how the ability to effectively manage emotions can enhance creativity. Finally, she will present research supporting the role of emotion abilities in creativity, specifically focusing on the emotional intelligence abilities of using emotions to aid thinking and regulating emotions.

     Please, forward this invitation to your colleagues who may be interested in creativity!


    For more information, contact: Nora Madjar at