Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3/26 Panel: The Future of Israeli-Palestinian Relation

    Panel: “The Future of Israeli-Palestinian Relations"

    Thursday, March 26 at 7 pm in Konover (Dodd)

    Prof. Nadya Hajj (Wellesley College)

    Prof. Peter Krause (Boston College)

    Prof. Ora Szekely (Clark University)

    Prof. Jeremy Pressman, moderator (UConn)

    Hear about Israeli and Palestinian parties, their challenges, and what may lie ahead. The panel will cover issues ranging from internal political fragmentation to water management in the area. Fatah, Hamas, and the Israeli elections are all on the agenda. Come join us for a discussion of internal politics and Israeli-Palestinian relations.

    Co-sponsored by Middle East Studies, Global Affairs, and the CLAS Dean’s Office.

    Meet the speakers at the reception after the panel.

    For more information, contact: Jeremy Pressman at