
  • Human Subjects Requested: Enter for $25 to Amazon

    Exploring the Effects of Campaign Attack Advertisements on Judicial Legitimacy 

    As a UConn undergraduate or graduate student you are invited to participate in a 15 minute online survey as part of a research study designed to learn about how confident people are in state supreme courts. As state supreme court judges are increasingly participating in traditional campaigning across the country, we are interested in investigation how judicial campaigns effect the public's perception of judges. 
    At the completion of this survey, you will have an opportunity to enter your UConn e-mail into a raffle to possibly receive one of 16 gift cards, each of which are worth $25. 
    To complete this survey, please visit the following link: 
    Thank you for your consideration. 
    For more information, please contact the Student Investigator, Molly Rockett, at You may also reach out to the Principal Investigator, Professor Virginia Hettinger, at This research received IRB approval under the identification number: X15-016. 
    For more information, contact: Professor Virginia Hettinger at