Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer for a Special Education Health Program

    Volunteers are needed for “Healthy Habits,” a health promotion program geared toward a group of students in a special education classroom. This group includes six delightful young men and women between the ages of 18 and 21 years old. Volunteers would be asked to assist in giving a one-time, informal, 15 – 30 minute presentation on a health topic of their choice (nutrition, fitness, mental health and stress reduction, dental hygiene, preventing the spread of germs, basic first aid, etc.). The topics would be presented during the time that the group meets, which is on Fridays between 10:00 – 11:30 AM in Sprague Hall.


    The dates and topics are flexible, so please do not hesitate to ask questions or make suggestions!

    For more information, contact: Katherine 'Neill at Katherine O\'Neill@uconn.edu