
  • $500 Graduate Student Award

    Nominations are open for the GSS Service Award. A description of the award and eligibility requirements are below. The nomination application can be found here: GSS Award Application or on the homepage of our website (


    The GSS Graduate Community Service Award Application

    The GSS shall institute the annual awarding of the GSS Graduate Community Service Award ($500) to honor a graduate student who, through his or her exemplary service, has made a significant contribution to intellectual, cultural, and professional capital of the graduate student community at the University of Connecticut


    1. Award candidates must:
          a.     Be enrolled in a graduate-degree granting program at the University
          b.     Be in good academic standing
          c.     Have completed at least one full year of study at the University at the time of awarding.

    2. Individuals ineligible to receive the award shall include:
          a.    Current executive officers of the GSS
          b.    Current Service Award Committee members
          c.    The Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Trustees.
          d.    Past award recipients

    3. Preference for the award shall be given to:
          a.   Nominees whose service to the graduate student community was primarily uncompensated and/or voluntary in nature

    Nomination Process:

    Nominations are open from March 1st to March 31st. Nominations may be submitted by graduate students, faculty, or staff of the University. Self-nominations will not be considered by the award committee. Please email completed applications to

    Ineligible candidates:

    GSS Executive Board (2014-2015)    
                           Service Award Committee Members (2015)
    Jason Charrette, President                                          Danielle Wong, Chair
    Talea Cornelius, Vice President                                   Pariksheet Nanda
    Michael Ambroselli, Treasurer                                     Anthony Patelunas
    Danielle Wong, Communications Director                     Greg Treich
    Nicole Flaig, Activities Director                                    Michael Winder
    Pat Butler, Parliamentarian

    Graduate Student BOT Representative (2014-2016)  
    Jeremy Jelliffe

    For more information, contact: Danielle Wong at