Campus Information

  • Institute of Materials Science - Annual Newsletter

    To the University Community,

    As a result of the hard work of our talented faculty, students, and staff, 2014 was a remarkable year of growth and discovery for IMS.  We witnessed groundbreaking research from our faculty and their groups which resulted in extensive publication in some of the most globally-respected journals. Many of our faculty members accepted invitations to share their research at popular scientific meetings and conferences worldwide.  And the research conducted in IMS continues to lead to funding from private, federal, and global sources. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of IMS.

    I am proud to share all of this news and more in depth with you through our annual IMS Newsletter (  Within these electronic pages, you will find examples of the dedication and passion of our talented students who are keeping traditions alive through their work with long-established professional scientific organizations; testing the boundaries of new technologies such as 3D printing; and taking their knowledge out into the world to put their education to practical use with partners such as you.

    As you browse the pages of this year’s newsletter, I hope that you are inspired to become even more involved as a friend and partner of IMS.  If so, please be in touch, we’re always happy to hear from you. 




    Steven L. Suib, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor

    Director, Institute of Materials Science


    For more information, contact: Steven Suib at 860-486-2797/