Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 2/28 Homeless to Harvard: Liz Murray to Speak at UConn

    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    2:00 pm

    Student Union Theatre

    Liz Murray is one of two daughters of an extremely dysfunctional Bronx family. As a young girl, Murray lived with her sister, their drug-addicted mother and father who also had AIDS.  Liz was removed from her home and put into the care system.  At 15 she moved in with her mother, sister and Grandfather who sexually abused her mother. After a conflict with her Grandfather, she ran away. When her mother died of AIDS in 1996, Liz said she felt a 'slap in the face', and began her work to finish high school. She became a star student and earned a scholarship to Harvard University through an essay contest sponsored by The New York Times.

    Ms. Elizabeth Murray, author and film maker will share her personal story about being homeless while a student at Harvard. It is a compelling story that all should hear!


    For more information, contact: Kayla Bynum at