Campus Information

  • Nominations are Open: CLAS Staff Excellence Award

    Announcing the 2015 CLAS Staff Excellence Award

    The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is excited to announce an annual award to recognize College staff members who bring excellence and innovation to their work and help to promote the CLAS mission of creating and disseminating knowledge across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

    We invite UConn faculty members, staff members, and students to nominate candidates for this award. The winner will be chosen by a selection committee of staff from across the College. We hope you will take some time to reflect on those among the CLAS staff who should receive recognition.


    All CLAS staff who have completed one calendar year of service at UConn can be nominated for the award, with the exception of those serving on the selection committee for this year’s award. CLAS staff includes any non-teaching employee of the College. In the future, winners of the award in the previous five years will not be eligible.


    In addition to recognition at a College-wide event, those selected will receive a commemorative medallion, an “Area 1” parking permit for one year, and $500 in professional development funds. These funds may be used to defray the cost of conference, workshop, or training fees; work-related travel; computer hardware or software needs; office equipment; or other work-related expenses. Nominations also may be placed in the nominee’s personnel file, if the nominee wishes.


    Anyone currently affiliated with the University of Connecticut – faculty, staff, or student – may nominate a CLAS staff member. You do not have to work in the same unit as the nominee or have any particular work relationship/association with him/her. All nominees will be notified of their nomination and asked to confirm their interest in the award. Those who submit a nomination may indicate whether they would like to be identified to the nominee.

    The deadline for nominations is Friday, February 27, 2015. 

    For more information about the award and to nominate a colleague, please visit
    For more information, contact: Cindy Stewart at