
  • What's Your Privacy IQ?

    January 28-February 28 is designated as Data Privacy Month in the Higher Education Privacy & Data Security community.  As part of this annual event, the UConn Compliance Office is joining the effort and partnering with our peers in higher education and industry experts to heighten awareness about privacy and data security resources.  Follow us here on the Daily Digest, on the UConn Privacy Blog and on Twitter (@UConnPrivacy).  All month long we are posting practical pointers, providing training and offering tools to help you protect yourself, your family, your students and the University from identity theft, to make well-reasoned choices about what information you share online, and to make educated decisions about where, when and how you store personal data.  

    How much do YOU know about Data Privacy and protecting your personal information online?  Visit the UConn Privacy Blog today to test your Privacy IQ today. 



    For more information, contact: Rachel Krinsky Rudnick, University Privacy Officer at (860)486-5256/