
  • What Do College Students Need to be Successful?

    Applying the Developmental Assets Framework to the Collegiate Environment

    Principal Investigator: Christine Wilson, PhD

    Graduate Student Researchers: Aimee Bishop and Patrick Gotham

    Subject: What do you think college students need to be successful?

    “What are the building blocks of healthy development that help college students grow up to be healthy, caring, and responsible individuals?”

    Researchers from the University of Connecticut want to know your thoughts on this question. We are currently looking for students to participate in a focus group. Your feedback will be valuable to help in this research. All information provided during this focus group will be confidential and will take no more than 90 minutes of your time. Focus groups will be held on campus and refreshments will be provided. You must be 18-22 years of age to participate.

    You are invited to participate in a focus group to provide your opinion on this topic.

    Your feedback will be valuable to help in this research. All information provided during this focus group will be confidential and will take no more than 90 minutes of your time. Focus groups will be held on the Storrs campus. You must be 18-22 years of age to participate.

    After completion of the focus group you will be compensated with a gift card to Dunkin Donuts.

    To sign up for a focus group please visit:

    Thank you.

    For more information, contact: Aimee Bishop at