Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • Want to Get Healthy in the New Year? Free program

    Are you interested in trying a weight loss program for free?


    • Free access to a weight loss program for six months (at any location) & access to all eTools.
    • Complete questionnaires at your initial visit, and again 3– and 6-months later at UConn. You will be compensated for your time.
    • The dietary and physical activity habits of you and your family may improve by participating. 


    If you are at least 25 years old, interested in losing weight, and you live with a spouse or significant other who is also overweight, this study may be for you!


    Please contact the UConn Weight Management Lab at (860) 486-3868 or email to learn more about this free 6-month program.

    For more details, please go to our website:


                                          This protocol has been approved by the UConn IRB, protocol #H14-260

    For more information, contact: Weight Management Lab at 860-486-3868