School, Program, and Course Information

  • Final Exams (Storrs Campus Only)

    Dear Students,

    Final exams begin on Monday.  Every year we have several panicked students who come to our office because they have missed their final for various reasons such as misreading the finals schedule and oversleeping.  In almost every case, students are told that they will NOT be granted permission to reschedule their final.  Most ended up with an F for that class, and they end up having to retake the whole class.

    To avoid this from happening to you, we HIGHLY recommend that you take following steps:

    Before Sunday

    1. RECHECK the day, time, and location for EACH one of your finals on the Registrar’s Office schedule using the CORRECT CLASS SCECTION NUMBER.
    2. Ask someone in the class when the final is and if you both do not think it is at the same time, find out who is right.
    3. Ask a trusted friend to look up your finals times to double check.

    The night before…

    1. DO NOT PULL ALL-NIGHTERS.  Ever year, students come to our office in tears because they stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, fell asleep “for a few minutes” before the final, and then slept through the final.  Don’t let this be you!
    2. Set more than one alarm to wake you up, perhaps one that is plugged in and one that is on batteries.  This will avoid a power/battery failure problem.
    3. Have a finals buddy. Arrange to contact each other to make sure that you are awake and on track to attend your scheduled finals.  Friends don’t let friends sleep through finals!
    4. Get up well before your final.  Plan to eat breakfast.  Setting the alarm for 20 minutes before the final start does not allow much room for error.

    We hope that by following these steps, you will arrive at your correct final, at the correct dates and times, prepared to take your finals and successfully finish your courses.

    As a reminder, if during finals week you become too ill to take your final as scheduled, you should go to Student Health Services to receive care and receive verification of your illness in order to be granted permission to reschedule your final.

    Best wishes for a successful finals week.


    Claudia Arias-Cirinna

    Assistant Dean of Students

    Dean of Students Office




    For more information, contact: Dean of Students Office at 860-486-3426