Special Events

  • Environmental Leadership Awards 2014-15

    Do you know any UConn students, faculty, staff, student groups or interdisciplinary committees or teams, or even Alumni, or other external organizations and individuals who have excelled in promoting UConn’s leadership in environmental sustainability?  If so, we encourage you to nominate them for a 2014-15 Environmental Leadership Award!

    Awards for these categories will be presented in late-2015, and individuals or groups may nominate themselves.  Nominees will be recognized for their accomplishments while affiliated with the University in one of these categories, and through activities, events or projects that reflect at least one of the principles of environmental leadership stated in UConn’s Environmental Policy.  Alumni and Special Recognition/External nominees need not be working directly with the University, provided their work reflects positively on the University's reputation for environmental stewardship.  Activities for which candidates are being nominated should have taken place sometime between the fall semester 2013 and the close of nominations on Oct. 1, 2015.

    Please submit your nominations today using the nomination survey form posted on the Office of Environmental Policy’s website.

    For more information, contact: Office of Environmental Policy at (860) 486-5773