Special Events

  • 11/18 "Mission Space" Seminar with Astronaut Mastracchio

    Sponsored by the School of Engineering Dean's Office:

    Mastracchio’s seminar “Mission Space” will highlight his latest experience on Expedition 38/39 to the International Space Station. During this most recent stay aboard the space station, Mastracchio conducted three spacewalks, the first two to remove and replace a faulty cooling pump, and the third to remove and replace a failed backup computer relay box. During the expedition, the crew completed 3,008 orbits of the Earth and traveled more than 79.8 million miles, returning to Earth after 188 days in space.

    A veteran of four spaceflights, Mastracchio flew as a Mission Specialist on STS-106 on Atlantis, STS-118 on Endeavor, STS-131 on Discovery and a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. As of 2014, Mastracchio now has logged 228 days in space spanning four missions, including nine spacewalks totaling 53 hours.

    There will be a question and answer period following his talk. His wife, Candi Mastracchio, will also be on hand to offer her perspective. Please join us in the Student Union Theatre at 2:00 p.m.

    More information about Astronaut Mastracchio can be found here: http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/mastracc.html

    For more information, contact: Dianna Hyland at hyland@engr.uconn.edu