Dining Services

  • 11/14 Win 2 Tickets to Tonight's BB Game - Before 5PM

    Win 2 free tickets to this Friday’s (Nov. 14th) UConn Men’s Basketball Game!

    Simply purchase any Coke product at Union Street Market Food Court between now and 5:00pm Friday, Nov. 14th. Write your name, phone number and email address on your receipt and drop it in the specially marked container in the Food Court. We will give away 5 sets of 2 tickets (10 total). Drawings will be held throughout the day on Friday, with the final drawing at 5:00pm. You do not need to be present to win. If you are a winner, you must show your UConn student ID when picking up the tickets. Go UConn!!

    For more information, contact: Gail Merrill at gail.merrill@uconn.edu