Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 11/14 Lecture: Agroforestry or Silvopasture

    "Agroforestry or Silvopasture:  Strategies to Create a Pathway from Subsistence Economy to Sustainable Productive Farm Management with Long Term Patrimony for Small to Intermediate Size Farms"

    By: Charles R. Venator, Silvopasture Project of The Andes, Intag Valley, Imbabura, Ecuador

    Charles R. Venator was a US Forest Service Research Scientist for 20 years in nursery and plantation establishment for tropical and southern pine species. He also worked as USAID Forestry Advisor for US Embassy in Mexico, USAID Nursery and Plantation establishment Consultant for Ecuador, Consultant for World Bank Charcoal Project in Mexico, Consultant for World Bank Fuelwood Project in Nicaragua, Consultant for World Bank Fuelwood Project in Bolivia, Consultant for Tri-State Logging Company in Iowa, US. He taught at the University of Puerto Rico and Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa..

    Most recent activity is Development of Resaerch Projects for University Students from Ecuador. Students utilize the Hacienda to do thesis projects related to Forestry, Agroforestry, Agriculture and Silvopasture.

    Friday, November 14, 2015

    12:00 noon

    El Instituto, Room 240, Ryan Buildling

    For more information, contact: El Instituto at