Special Events

  • 11/17 Blindfolded Obstacle Course

    When: Monday, November 17, 2014 at 1:45 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

    Where: Hawley Armory (behind Oak Hall) - Main Gym

    You and a partner will participate in an exciting blindfolded obstacle course. The team that finishes the course the fastest will win two $15 gift cards to the UConn Co-op!

    Please wear soft-soled athletic shoes! Admission fee is $3 per person. 100% of the admission fees and additional donations will go toward Helen Keller International. For more information about the organization please go to the website at http://www.hki.org/.

    For more information, go to our Facebook event link.

    This event is sponsored by the OPIM Department in the School of Business.

    For more information, contact: Chelsea Ancheta at chelsea.ancheta@uconn.edu