Student Organization Events & Information

  • Join Gamma Sigma Sigma

    "Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve."

    -Martin Luther King, Jr. 

    The Nu Reactivating Chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma is part of a co-ed, national service community.  We focus on serving the UConn community and beyond, and we partner with Alex's Lemonade Stand, March of Dimes, the American Red Cross, the American Cancer Society, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Nu RAC is currently seeking out UConn students who would like to become involved with our organization, as we would like to reactivate the chapter and bring it back to campus after its dissolution in the seventies.   

    We are founded upon the principles of service, friendship, and equality, and we are not exclusive.  We welcome students from all walks of life. 

    Help us make new traditions for Gamma Sig.  Remember, because you're you, you belong with Nu.
    For more information, contact: Kelsey Ballard at