
  • Human Subjects Requested: Enter for $100 at Amazon

    As a student, you are invited to participate in an anonymous survey investigating the importance of certain types of university programing in influencing student educational aspirations and outcomes.



    If you participate, you may enter your email address and name into a raffle for one of five $100 Amazon gift certificates.


    To be entered into the raffle, please follow the link at the end of the survey to a second webpage. There you can enter your school or personal email address. Your email will not be linked to your responses, which will be anonymous.


    This survey is part of a doctoral dissertation and your participation is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you for your consideration,


    Sally M. Reis, Ph.D., Principal Investigator

    Amnah Hafsyan, M.A., Student Investigator


    For more information, contact: Amnah Hafsyan at