
  • 2/18 Apply Now for Hira Jain Scholarship $500+ Award

    Apply Now for Hira Jain Scholarship

    2015 Hira Jain Scholarship Application (in PDF)

    Submission Deadline: Wednesday, February 18, 3PM 

    The Hira Jain Scholarship will be awarded in Spring 2015, after a one-year hiatus. The deadline for the completed application (2-page application form, personal essay, official transcript, and 2 letters of recommendation) is Wednesday, February 18, 2015.

    Dr. Hira Jain and Mrs. Sunita Jain of Glastonbury, Connecticut established a permanent endowment fund to provide scholarships for academically outstanding incoming or continuing undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full time at UConn. Candidates for the scholarship may but are not required to demonstrate financial need. Priority consideration, but not an absolute preference will be given to students of Asian Indian ancestry. The amount of the annual scholarship is at least $500. The award is announced before the close of the Spring Semester.

    Please contact Asian / Asian American Studies Institute (Program Specialist) Ms. Fe Delos-Santos at or (860) 486-5083 for questions about eligibility, forms, and process.

    For more information, contact: Ms. Fe Delos-Santos at