Dining Services

  • Theme Dinners in Dining Units in November

    The residential dining units will offer several theme lunches/dinners during November:

    • Wednesday, Nov. 5th: International Sandwich Day during Lunch @ North
    • Thursday, Nov. 13th: New England Dinner @ McMahon
    • Thursday, Nov. 20th: Harvest Luncheon @ Putnam
    • Thursday, Nov. 20th: A Classic Novel Idea Dinner @ Gelfenbien

    Each event will offer new and creative menu options. Change up your routine and go to all of these units' events. In fact, take a photo of yourself at each of these theme lunches/dinners, like us and post them on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/uconndiningservices and you'll win a complimentary ice cream at le Petit Marche Cafe. http://dining.uconn.edu/le-petit-marche-cafe/



    For more information, contact: Gail Merrill at gail.merrill@uconn.edu