
  • $5,000 NASA Connecticut Space Grant Scholarship

    Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship

    Funded by NASA as part of the Space Grant Program


     The Application for the $5,000 Undergraduate Directed Campus Scholarships is currently available. One scholarship will be awarded to each four-year undergraduate Academic Affiliate member of the Connecticut Space Consortium for Spring 2015.   And you are lucky that UConn is one of them.  A student is eligible for one fellowship or scholarship per program year. The deadline to apply has been extended to: October 27, 2014.


    Eligibility – Undergraduate student applicants must be full-time students at the time of application at one of the Consortium Member Institutions with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants will be asked to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship through the Grant Verification Form filled out by your campus director, Joy Erickson.


    Proposal Format and Checklist - Submit application following CT Space Grant email submission guidelines.

    Complete scholarship applications will consist of:

    1. Directed Campus Scholarship Application Cover Sheet
    2. Narrative
    3. One Letter of Recommendation
    4. Resume
    5. Student Transcript
    6. Grant Verification Form
    7. Applicant Contact/Demographic Information


    All forms are available at:

    For more information, contact: Joy Erickson at