Arts and Entertainment

  • 10/16 Symphony Orchestra in Concert

    The University of Connecticut Symphony Orchestra will be performing in concert on October 16th.  The Symphony Orchestra is one of the Department of Music’s many performing ensembles and is made up of both graduate and undergraduate students.  The symphony performs twice every semester; this will be their first performance of the academic year. This performance also marks the debut appearance of Professor of Violin and Viola Studies Solomiya Ivakhiv with the University Symphony.  Dr. Ivakhiv is in her first semester at UConn.

    The performance opens with Giacchino Rossini’s “The Siege of Corinth Overture.”  Known as the “Italian Mozart,” Rossini’s music is famously bubbly.  This particular overture has remained wildly popular even as the full opera has come in and out of fashion.  The second selection is Samuel Barber’s “Concerto for Violin and Orchestra” with Dr. Ivakhiv as violin soloist.  Barber, a highly acclaimed American composer, is known for his emotionally charged orchestral, opera, choral and piano works.  His “Concerto for Violin and Orchestra” has become one of the most frequently performed 20th Century compositions.  The evening’s final selection is Antonin Dvorak’s “Symphony No.6.”  Dvorak was a “romantic” Czech composer who incorporated folk music of his native land into many of his compositions.

    The concert is directed by Harvey Felder, Associate Professor and Director of Orchestral Studies, and will be held at 8pm at the von der Mehden Recital Hall located at 875 Coventry Road on the UConn campus.  Plenty of well-lit parking is available.

    For more information, contact: Kirk Matson at