Special Events

  • 10/7 Let the EcoMadness Begin

    Today is the first day of EcoMadness!

    EcoMadness is a month long water and energy saving competition put on by the Office of Environmental Policy and the EcoHusky student group. Buckley, Shippee, Towers, Northwest, East and West - you will be competing against one another to see which residence hall can save the most water and energy! The winner of the competition will be rewarded with tremendous bragging rights and a Dairy Bar ice cream party! If you would like any more information about the competition or tips on how to save energy or water, go to our website: http://ecohusky.uconn.edu/progress/ecomadness2014.html.

    If you are interested in being recognized as a student leader by promoting the competition in your residence hall, contact Meredith Hillmon to become an Eco-Captain. 

    So, start shortening your showers and shutting off your lights! The EcoMadness begins now!


    For more information, contact: Meredith Hillmon and Brianna Church at meredith.hillmon@uconn.edu and brianna.church@uconn.edu