Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • Friend Request - a Free CMHS Workshop

    The CMHS Workshop Series presents…

    Friend Request: How to Make and Maintain Positive Connections in College

    Getting along and connecting in college is more than just a Facebook Poke.  This three session workshop is designed to:

    • Provide students with basic assessment of their relationship skills and strengths.
    • Understand the impact of social anxiety and learn effective coping strategies.
    • Teach skills for cultivating connections and deepening existing relationships.

    This workshop will be offered periodically throughout the fall semester; workshops are held from 3:00-4:00pm.  All workshops are free of charge!  Space is limited, so please call CMHS at 860-486-4705 to pre-register. 

    Please see our website for a schedule of offerings and more detailed information on the CMHS Workshop Series:

    For more information, contact: Counseling & Mental Health Services at 860-486-4705