Special Events

  • 9/20 Run with Your Pack 5K

    RUN WITH YOUR PACK: A 5K To Benefit Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness at UConn

    Active Minds and the UConn Suicide Prevention Committee invite you run with your friends, your family, and your fellow Huskies to raise awareness of mental health advocacy and suicide prevention on campus! Racers who pre-register will receive a t-shirt, goodie bag and excellent swag! The race will finish at the Cultural Explosion and Family Weekend Bar-b-cue on the CLAS Quad. Proceeds will support the education and prevention work of ACTIVE MINDS at UConn and the UConn Suicide Prevention Committee. To get information on how to register and cost go to http://www.suicideprevention.uconn.edu/


    For more information, contact: Sharon Mendes at 860-486-5270