Volunteer Opportunities

  • Interested in Medical and Dental Related Service?

    Generations Health Care Clinic works with the community of Willimantic to provide healthcare and educational health outreach to uninsured families. For a few hours once a week, volunteers participate in various tasks which include, but are not limited to, public service announcements, clerical work, transfer of information between doctors and patients, and translating. As a volunteer in this program you will have the opportunity to enhance your patient contact skills, learn how to work with families of various backgrounds, and utilize your service strengths and integrate them into an underrepresented community. This program is looking for students with a strong desire to serve the greater UConn community and make differences in the lives of the patients at the clinic. We are also looking for committed students who are willing to take time to participate in the program on a scheduled weekly basis. 

    For more information, contact: Katie Lainas at uconn.co.ghc@gmail.com