Arts and Entertainment

  • Today: UConn Festival Choir Seeks Community Singers

    The University of Connecticut Festival Choir announces its new season, and invites new singers of all voice parts! Rehearsals begin on Monday September 8 at 6:30pm in MusL Room 103, in the UConn Music Building. This ensemble is open to all, including students, UConn staff and faculty, and area residents. In December 2014, we will perform Brahms' magnificent A German Requiem in a collaborative performance with the UConn Concert Choir. In April 2015, we will perform the monumental Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff.
    Membership in this non-auditioned choir is open to anyone who loves singing, and wants to meet others with the same passion! Members range in age from high school to 80s, and all experience levels are welcome, although some choral experience and familiarity with music notation are helpful.
    Under the leadership of Conductor Jonathan Harvey and Assistant Conductor Ken Johnson, the UConn Festival Choir is a community choir based at the University of Connecticut, dedicated to the performance of choral music in the classical tradition. Recent performances have included Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and excerpts from Haydn's Creation
    Regular rehearsals are Mondays 7-9pm in MusL Room 103 in the UConn Music Building.
    For more information, contact: Jonathan Harvey at