Student Organization Events & Information

  • Daily Campus Accpeting New Writers for 2014-2015

    The Daily Campus, Connecticut's largest student run daily newspaper, is accepting new writers and photographers for the 2014-2015 academic year. Writers can choose to write for News, Arts & Life, Sports or Opinion based on their own interests.  Photography staff will shoot photos of everything from USG meetings to Jorgensen concerts and sporting events.

    Meetings are as follows and will be begin on Sunday August 24th at The Daily Campus office located between Buckley and Storrs Center.

    News: 6-7 p.m.

    Arts & Life: 7-8 p.m.

    Sports: 8-9 p.m.

    Opinion: 7-7:30

    Photo: 10-10:30 p.m.

    Students of ALL majors and ALL interests are welcome. Writing for The Daily Campus is an excellent opportunity to showcase communication skills, build contacts on campus, network with university professionals and get involved in a close knit UConn community. For journalism and communications majors this is an opportunity to build a resume and develop writing samples for professional endeavors.

    While entry level staff (Campus Correspondents) are not paid for their work, all writers are encouraged to apply for a promotion during their first semester of work. Staff Writers are paid $11 for article and staff photographers are paid $11 for a photoset.

    For more information contact Kathleen McWilliams at

    For more information, contact: Kathleen McWilliams at