Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 6/25 Wednesday: PNB - STEM Research Seminar

    Dear UConn Undergraduate and Graduate students,


    The Office of Undergraduate Research and the McNair Scholars Program are pleased to inform you that the STEM research seminar series will continue this summer, which will mark 1 full year of STEM seminars! This is a brown bag style seminar series, and light refreshments will be served.


    Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    11:30AM – 12:30PM

    Rowe CUE 320


    Alexander Jackson, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor


    Department of Physiology & Neurobiology


    Cellular neurophysiology of hypothalamic neural circuits that govern sleeping and feeding


    We encourage undergraduate and graduate students to attend.

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    A link to details of all 4 seminars:


    For more information, contact: Renee M. Gilberti, PhD at