
  • 6/24 Student Volunteers Needed - Gambling Focus Group

    UConn Student Volunteers Needed - Focus Group on Gambling
    Date: Tuesday, June 24th 1-3 PM 
    Location: Arjona Building, 337 Mansfield Road, Room 441
    Check In: Students should check in at front desk. Central staircase or elevator is the only access to the 4th floor.

    *Gift cards to local restaurants will be provide to thank participants.*

    CT Council on Problem Gambling and Problem Gambling Services is conducting a focus group at UConn in order to better serve UConn students. Twenty students are needed to participate in a discussion on gambling. The session will be recorded, all participants will have complete anonymity, and the responses will not be shared outside our research group and with no identifying factors.

    *Gift cards to local restaurants will be provide to thank participants.* 

    To register for participation, email: Elizabeth McCall, CPP, Prevention Educator at CT Council on Problem Gambling -- or call 860-664-3996

    For more information, contact: Besty Cracco at 486-4705