Volunteer Opportunities

  • Medical Humanitarian Trip to Barbados

    UConn's Medical Humanitarian Society is now accepting applications from ANY current UConn student to travel to Barbados during January 2015 to participate in medical campaigns to schools and volunteer in clinics. The club's previous service trips have been to Peru once and Guatemala twice.


    The application may be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/a/uconn.edu/file/d/0B9u2dKFCFrz7NG1rZ3ZoY0k4ZGlyRFl5R2RnelRYb0Z1M1gw/edit


    Applications are due no later than 11:59 PM on June 6, 2014 and need to be emailed to uconn.mhs@gmail.com. Shortly after June 6, decisions of the fifteen students selected to participate in the trip will be sent out. Fundraising will take place during the fall semester.

    For more information, contact: Amanda Simon / Major Trip Coordinator at amanda.simon@uconn.edu