Special Events

  • 4/24 UConn Flex Pass Exchange

    DO YOU HAVE EXTRA FLEX PASSES? DON’T HAVE FLEX PASSES?  Then come to the first ever UConn Flex Pass Exchange!  For our OPIM Project Management class, we’re hosting an event at McMahon Dining Hall where students with flex passes can trade their flex passes with an upperclassman (or anyone who doesn’t have flex passes) for a ride, or any other favor.  DON’T LET THOSE FLEX PASSES GO TO WASTE!  Whether you have flex passes or not, come to the event and we’ll pair you up with someone and you can work out the details of your exchange!

    WHAT: Flex Pass Exchange!

    WHO: Anyone with extra flex passes who needs a favor

    WHEN: Thursday April 24th  at 5:30pm

    WHERE: McMahon Dining Hall

    WHY: To use up all of those otherwise wasted flex passes

    HOW: Come to McMahon, we’ll organize everything!

    Our Project Management class has asked us to complete a community service project and we felt that this would be a great way to connect students and provide service to the community.  

    For more information, contact: Maeve at maeve.moylan@uconn.edu