Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 4/25 Looking for a Head Start on Building Your Career?


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    Registration for this free day-long leadership conference “Invest in You” for UConn students on Friday, April 25th, 2014 in the Student Union Ballroom co-hosted by the Center for Career Development and Lincoln Financial Group. 

    The “Invest in You” event aims to empower Millennials with the knowledge they need as they enter the workforce and build their careers. Endorsed by the offices of both the President and Provost of the University of Connecticut, this event will cover topics such as investing in your personal brand, understanding the implications of an ever-changing digital media landscape, mastering the fundamentals of personal finance, and achieving work-life integration.

    Attendees will hear from accomplished professionals from a variety of disciplines—from financial services, to the non-profit industry, higher education, and medicine—who will each share their unique personal stories, and offer inspiring lessons about achieving personal and professional success.  Lunch will be provided to all attendees allowing an opportunity to informally network with these leaders.

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    For more information, contact: center for career development at 860-486-3013