Dining Services

  • Did You Know You Can Set Menu Filter Options?

    Did you know you can set menu filter options on the Dining Services menu and nutrition webpage?

    Special allergen and other filters are available on our nutrition page at: http://www.dining.uconn.edu/nutrition.html

    To filter available menu choices by allergens, vegan, or other options, click on one of the dining locations to view the menus. In the upper right section of the webpage, you will see “Set Filters.” Click on that link and you will be able to select any of the filters that you wish to activate within the menu displays and then check “Apply.” These filters will stay active until you click “Modify Filters” in the same upper right corner of the webpage. This advanced search option will help you in designing meal options perfect for you.

    For more information, contact: Gail Merrill at gail.merrill@uconn.edu