Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 3/13 Today: Experiences in Entrepreneurship

    Thursday, March 13th, 4PM-5PM 
    School of Business Boardroom, BUSN 321
    Speaker: Nicholas Wagner
    Topic: Experiences in Entrepreneurship
    Graduating from UConn in 2003 with a B.S. in Management Information Systems, Nick worked as a TECDP Associate at Cigna in operations management while simultaneously founding North American Motorsports to sell and distribute aftermarket car parts through an Internet storefront and retail location. He left Cigna in 2006 to focus on his company, ultimately bringing sales from startup to 1.8 million per year before selling the company in 2010. He then returned to Cigna as a project manager, where he is currently the TECDP Internship Program manager.
    This engaging and informational talk on entrepreneurship will be immediately followed by a Q&A session. It is free of charge and is open to the public. All majors are welcome.
    This event is being co-hosted by the UConn chapters of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
    For more information, contact: Tiffany Hoang at