Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3/3 University Senate Meeting

    On March 3, 2014 the University Senate will hold its second meeting of the spring semester at 4:00 p.m. in Rome Ballroom on the Storrs Campus.  All members of the University community are welcome to observe any University Senate meeting.  Visitors who are not elected senators should use the seats located along the walls of the room (as the seats at the tables are reserved for senators).

    The Senate meeting agenda and reports can be found at:

    The agenda for the February meeting includes two important presentations plus discussions of three important sets of Senate business:

    • Consent Agenda
      • Report of the Curricula & Courses Committee
    • Report of the Faculty Standards Committee ~ presented by Mark Boyer
      • For the Information of the Senate: Committee’s recommendation that two full-professors be elected to the Provost’s PTR panel.
      • For the Information of the Senate: Committee’s recommendation that the Provost’s Office work with deans, chairs of advisory councils, and department heads to develop written rules/documents for schools, colleges, and departments concerning their respective PTR procedures, processes, and practices.
    • Report of the Curricula & Courses Committee ~ presented by Michael Darre
      • PRESENTATION of a motion to add a new section to the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the University Senate, Section II.I.5. Syllabi for vote at the April 7, 2014 Senate meeting.
    • Annual Report on Research ~ presented by Jeffrey Seemann
    • Annual Report of the Library Advisory Committee ~ presented by Martha Bedard
    • Annual Report of the Dean of the Graduate School ~ presented by Kent Holsinger

    We encourage all members of the university community to discuss issues about agenda items with Senate members.  You can also e-mail Senate committees directly from the Senate website.  

    Let your voices be heard!  (Be Loud! Be Proud!)


    Cyrus Ernesto Zirakzadeh
    Chair, Senate Executive Committee
    Professor, Department of Political Science
    University of Connecticut
    Storrs, Connecticut 06269
    Telephone: 860-486-3267


    For more information, contact: Tammy Gifford // University Senate Office at 860.486.2236 //