Student Organization Events & Information

  • 3/3 Advising and Investing Club

    The Advising and Investing Club at UConn is dedicated to the exploration and understanding of financial investing. Powerpoints, member lectures, guest speakers, and group discussions will be focused on throughout the meetings. From small, beneficial financial tips involving saving nickels and dimes all the way to large investment opportunities like real estate investing will be covered. This club is for anyone that wants to learn more about the financial opportunities they may face at any time such as trading in the stock market, buying groceries more efficiently, or starting to take interest in real estate. Along with learning investing techniques, we hope to focus on expanding our knowledge to others through studying the field financial advising. Our next meeting is March 3rd at 7:00 PM in Student Union room 319. We look forward to seeing you at a meeting!!!

    For more information, contact: Jordan at