School, Program, and Course Information

  • Intro Marine Bio for Non-Majors at Duke (Summer)

    Are you looking to earn credit this summer and also to explore a new location (and be right on the water in a beautiful southern beach town)? If so, the Intro to Marine Biology (for non-majors) course at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort, North Carolina might be right for you!

    Check out the course webpage and video for more information.

    Instructor and UConn Alum, Heather Heenehan, is willing to work with you to make sure you are able to earn credit!


    Below is a snapshot from the website, but the website also includes information regarding the application for financial assistance for tuition (deadline of April 1) and the Residential Advisor position (to defray cost of room and board) as well as information about how to transfer credits for non-Duke students.

    "Welcome to the class website for Bio175: Introductory Marine Biology for Non-Majors!

    This class will be taught this summer during Summer Term I (May 12-June 13) at the Duke University Marine Lab by Alyse Larkin and Heather Heenehan.  Our approach to the class will include lectures, in-class discussion and a lot of time out in the field! Our major field site will be Rachel Carson Reserve, a beautiful reserve within sight of the marine lab.

    The class will cover the biology of marine systems with a focus on physical characteristics, processes of life, diversity of life in different marine systems and a discussion of human impacts on these systems. During the class we will help you develop scientific analytical skills that we know will serve you well, no matter what your major or career path might be.  Alyse and Heather also bring a lot of diversity to the class based on their dissertation topics! For more information on the instructors please see the instructor information page.

    Finally, to introduce you to the Duke Marine Lab and our approach to the course, please watch the video below! We hope to see you in Beaufort on May 12th for what is sure to be a great summer term!"

    For more information, contact: Kaitlin Heenehan at