Special Events

  • Dr. George Yancy to Speak on Race, Tonight

    The Department of Educational Leadership

    The Department of Philosophy

    The Office for the Vice Provost for Diversity

    Africana Studies

    The Humanities Institute

     will be co-sponsoring a talk on race given by




    How it Feels to be a Racial Problem/Essence:

    An Elevator Encounter


     March 3rd, 2014 in Gentry 144 at 4pm

    Introductory remarks by Casey Cobb and Lewis Gordon


    George Yancy is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University. His work is located primarily in the areas of critical philosophy of race, critical whiteness studies, and philosophy and the Black experience. He has authored, edited, or co-edited seventeen books, and has published numerous academic articles, and book chapters. His first authored book, Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race, received an Honorable Mention from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights and three of his edited books have received CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book Awards. His is Philosophy of Race Book Series Editor at Lexington Books. He is co-Editor of the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience, and is an ex officio member of the American Philosophical Association Committee on Blacks in Philosophy.  He has twice won the Dusquesne University McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship.  He is currently working on three edited books and a new authored book.

    For more information, contact: Educational Leadership at 860-486-3625