Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Ever Wanted to Go "Home"? Now You Can

    UConn Summer in Ethiopia: Social Justice and Sustainability in Water and Community Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Faculty-led)  July 15-Aug 15, 2014

    Ethiopia is "Where it all began" in terms of our human ancestors and it is still where many dramatic changes are currently taking place in terms of development and other related rapid social shifts.   Ethiopia provides a living laboratory for adventurous students who want to spend a month doing more than sightseeing.  This program will allow you to do internships in various Non-profits so that you can  do grassroots engagement.  

    Applications are due March 1st and or if you have any questions contact or

    For more details check out the Study Abroad website 

    For more information, contact: Phoebe Godfrey at