Arts and Entertainment

  • 2/12 Movie Night: Turn Left at the End of the World

    Join the UConn Huskies for Israel and the UConn Indian Students Association for a free movie night and cultural exchange! 

    We will be watching the award-winning international film, "Turn Left at the End of the World" and holding a discussion afterwards.
    Synopsis: As a family from India moves in to a desert neighborhood in Southern Israel in the 1960's, the family's eldest, beautiful daughter discovers friendship and romance with the lovely local French girl. The film also explores the hardships and surprises that come with the integration of multiple families from different ethnic backgrounds and their struggle with immigration and prejudice. (This film does contain some explicit adult content).

    Israeli snacks will also be served at the event. See you there!

    For more information, contact: uconnhuskiesforisrael at