
  • 6/12 Student Volunteers Wanted - #UConnBeWell Research

    Student Volunteers Wanted for #UConnBeWell Research Study on COVID-19 Pandemic

    Researchers at UConn are recruiting volunteers to participate in a study to investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting UConn student well-being over time.

    You may qualify if you are:
        •    A current UConn student, grad student or post-doc (as of Spring 2020)
        •    18 years or older
        •    Currently living in the United States of America
        •    Willing to fill out brief mini-surveys (5 minutes long), 3-times a week on your phone

    All participants who complete the weekly surveys will enter a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift card. A new raffle will be drawn each week.

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Saraswathi Bellur, Department of Communication. To see if you are eligible, please JOIN HERE--

    Questions, please email: UConn IRB PROTOCOL L20-0026 APPROVED [05/18/20]

    For more information, contact: #UConnBeWell Team at